Gregory Herpe
Benjamin Eck
(Dir. of The Benjamin Eck Gallery Munich)
The Little Baron (Wild Youth - Breathe Africa) Has a super strong moment catched. And also the section of the photograph was chosen perfectly.
It s my clear favorite. Clear and expressive in contrast and still very harmonic when it comes to the section of the fur.
Yet also the colours of Waiting for winter (Drag Queens in Europe) are really catching the eye of attention of the spectator.
The mixture between architecture , wildlife and staged situations gives a rich impact for the potential collector's eyes.
The portfolio is exquisite and stands in its variety and professional appearance for its own.
When it comes to final pricing the Artist is doing reasonable when we keep the aspect of quality and creativity in count, due to the wide range of the portfolio the Artist will reach a multitude of different collectors from special photography lovers but also ,classic`Art collectors.
The Artist has definitely high potential to rise and make its way in the Art world.